Showing posts with label sheer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheer. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022

Change of pace: Two hours with Kym

I’d been wanting to add something different to my own portfolio and while pondering what this might be, Kym got in touch. We discussed a blend of sheer, implied, boudoir, and fine art nude. All genres I am familiar with and well within my comfort zone.  

Good pre-shoot communications are imperative to ensure all parties are clear on themes and boundaries are not accidentally overstepped or misunderstood. There are, of course, those who have no respect for other's boundaries, as I have discussed in a previous post. Intuition and emotional intelligence are useful tools in this process, and I had a particularly good feeling from Kym. I’d recently indulged in a mint Fuji X-T100 bundle with an extremely low shutter count. It was at the right price (and the catalyst for shifting some old but still serviceable camera bodies and kit lenses).  

However, there’s a golden rule of not running unfamiliar equipment-same goes for motor/cycle racing or any event where reliability takes precedence. I brought my hand-held “Light wand” for some additional, tunable lighting, trusty Sony A6000 and A6300 bodies, spare batteries, memory cards, and  Viltrox 1.4 lenses to counter problems associated with low light. Retrospectively, the lighter of my tripods might’ve been helpful, too. 


No sooner had I headed out on the motorway, rains of biblical proportions struck, and, while sandwiched between two HGVs, a tidal wave of water threatened to spell the end of KA and I. Waterlogged surfaces were also making traction difficult, despite decent tyres. At one stage, the little car’s engine began to misfire, so I pulled onto the hard shoulder, left the engine running and we recomposed ourselves.  

I eventually arrived with 4 minutes to spare (despite almost doubling the time suggested by Google and Sat Nav alike). Against this backdrop, I was determined and focused. Kym was extremely welcoming, with an infectious curiosity and enthusiasm. As an experienced model, I wasn’t surprised to find her very self-aware and while collaboration and ideas flowed seamlessly between us, she needed minimal direction.  


Friday, June 11, 2021

Second Helpings : More Fun With Michelle

 Michelle invited me to shoot at her cottage and though I’m not doing any studio shoots, given the pandemic is continuing to present a very real risk to health, location nudes are practical, given temperatures are presently around 23 degrees.

 We’d thrashed out a shoot plan a week or so beforehand and tweaked this to reflect the sudden hike in temperature. Given Michelle’s experience within the glamour and nude genres, it will come as little surprise this formed the primary framework, with a mix of implied and old school “glamour” thrown in for good measure.  

I always suggest a mix of implied, lingerie/swimwear, since there is a limit of fine art poses and I don’t want a shoot going stale for either party and sometimes both. We have always had an excellent rapport, so our session was very relaxed and conversational, which for me ensured the best results, seemingly effortlessly. 

I shot these alternating between my full-frame Sony A7 with 50mm 1.8 and the 6300 with 35mm 2.8, set to 3.2 in this instance. Much of our conversation was about the industry and some names within it. Some I had reservations about, and she affirmed my gut feelings.  

Sunday, June 21, 2020


Sonya is a qualified diver, who had recently discovered modeling. She’s also a part-qualified accountant and runs a successful bookkeeping business. Due to some very bad experiences, I have all but stopped working with novice models. However, there are exceptions and I am happy to make them, where I see genuine commitment, ability and professionalism.  

I’m pleased to report Sonya has all these attributes, in spades. The brief was a street lingerie theme, which had amazing potential but needed careful planning and the ability to change, pose and shoot quickly.  

We needed to start early, in order to avoid drawing unnecessary attention, inducing discomfort from passers-by. We met at 730 and commenced within 15minutes. The tide was out, which inspired us to start on the beach using some boats as a backdrop.  

I spotted what I believed was a decommissioned gunship. It was indeed a gunship, but less abandoned that I thought and by the time we’d reached it, we were also calves deep in very gloopy, tenacious mud. Not the most auspicious start, although it broke the ice and we achieved some technically pleasing results.   

Having reconvened to our vehicles for some refreshments and cleanup, we resumed shooting along Old Leigh’s cobbled streets, Sonya had already dressed in her desired lingerie from the privacy of her car, while I fed parking meters and rummaged in the KA’s boot for a suitable change of footwear. A sheer gown preserved her modesty while mitigating some of the morning chill.  

Thankfully, we had the streets, largely to ourselves. It was busier than we’d anticipated but any passing people/vehicle traffic was very respectful, meaning we could meet her exciting and potentially challenging brief with minimal fuss.  

She moved seamlessly between poses and showed an ability rivaling that of some established models I have enjoyed working with. By 945 we were finished and went our separate ways. These were shot exclusively with my Sony A6300 and 50mm 1.8 lens. 
I am relieved she is delighted with the results and would welcome the opportunity to work with her on future commissions   

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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