Showing posts with label glamour photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glamour photography. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bella Sensual & Concealed

I am often asked what differentiates boudoir from glamour photography. In a nutshell, I would say glamour is where a woman is typically sexualised and objectified, whereas boudoir has a wider narrative, of which the model is part of. More significant is both parties in mutual agreement over levels and tone.  

Bella is extremely comfortable with concealed and implied nudity but nothing more overt. Concealed, in common with art nude and erotic can mean different things to different people. I suggested a few concepts which Bella wasn’t unduly comfortable with, so we shelved them. We have worked together on several occasions, which makes these themes much easier.  

I have undertaken boudoir and lingerie themes where the model has towards the end, wanted to raise the level to topless. I will always gently decline, inviting them to contemplate this further, away from “the moment”. If after ten days or so, they still want to try topless, or indeed nude themes, they can get back in touch and we’ll do a shoot plan and arrange a mutually convenient date.  

Again, this reinforces the importance of proper shoot planning and clear communication around expectations and terms of reference-all ahead of the shoot. She approached me on Thursday, and we’d thrashed out a theme, lingerie, lighting, angles and locations that morning, arranging to shoot that Sunday morning.    

Our primary focus was sensuality, interwoven with more playful themes. Bella was keen not to have her nipples on view within the shots and as can happen, there were a few we spotted when reviewing every twenty minutes or so. These were accidental captures-we hadn’t noticed the sheet slipping at certain points.  

Comfort and complete trust between model and photographer are paramount and if either party is slightly uneasy, this will bleed through in the images created. Again, there’s a fine line between capturing something intimate (where the model has invited you into their world) and voyeurism, where someone has invaded it. Given the limited space and changeable lighting, I took those with her beneath the satin sheets using my full frame A7 and 50mm 1.8 lens, those of Bella with the maracas using the A6300 and 33mm 1.4 lens.     

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Jess in the Studio

I had worked with Jess back in August 2022. It was a Blade Runner-inspired shoot, which proved very successful. This time round, we’d decided upon a studio-based implied nude theme. I’ve shot nudes outside but this has been through the height and heat of summer. November calls for a temperate studio setting.  Jess knew a studio she was comfortable with and relatively close to both of us.  Our initial shoot was postponed due to Storm Ciaran and the related chaos caused by flooding.

What Are You Implying

Implied, as with other genres is open to interpretation and means different things to different people. Glamour is a case in point. The genre in Poland is closest to 1940s film noir and worlds apart from the Page3 it's synonymous with, here in the UK. 

Implied is best thought of as the suggestion of nudity but with concealment at key areas-breasts, genitals etc. At the more extreme end, there’s some blurring of the lines between implied and glamour.  Another key reason why models and photographers need to have a proper, open discussion-before shooting and not on the day. On the day, it's also best to recap and check both are still comfortable with the detail and themes.

I prefer to let a model lead, setting the pace, especially where these and higher levels are involved.  Following this principle, I was delighted to leave Jess to start with her selection of clothing for the first hour and then gradually moving to more revealing themes, first with my corduroy jacket and later, my distressed leather waistcoat. Photographer and model typically warm up. Just like a welder’s first bead of the day isn’t comparable with that 90 minutes into a shift and this was no exception. 

Communication, confidence, and rapport are paramount, flanked by trust and professionalism. We chatted about a wealth of things but the theme of some photographers almost viewing shoots as dates held sway for a while. 

 She wasn’t the first model to say photographers had suggested, during pre-shoot communications that they should go for a meal, then shoot. The last thing I’d want to do is model, or shoot on a full stomach and besides, a shoot is a professional setting- both parties come together to achieve a set, agreed aim. 

I can also understand how strong professional bonds can strike but there are some photographers who seem seduced by the slightly outdated concept of a muse and with darker motivations. I must feel comfortable and enjoy the company of someone during a shoot, and hopefully that’s reciprocal but that’s where the line is drawn.

Ultimately, we were happy with the results and will doubtless work together later down the line.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Jane had a successful career as a glamour model, and this was very apparent in so many ways. Aside from her very professional pre-shoot communications and military precise preparation/timekeeping, it was immediately obvious she knew how to pose and moreover, in ways that as most flattering to her physique. She also had an equally comprehensive and flattering wardrobe.  

No less than I’d expect from a professional, but it does illustrate the difference between aspirational models and those with successful careers. Aside from bouncing ideas between each other, we spent much of the shoot talking about business and strange experiences during shoots 

This inevitably covered the topic of GWCs (Guy With Camera). Jane began her career when film was the dominant medium. She recalls posing for camera clubs and believed some “enthusiasts” had no film in their cameras, judging by the sheer number of frames they were taking-without replenishing.  

Again, you’d expect a change every 24, or 36 frames. This also highlights the point about some folks (men specifically) using the camera as a means of getting access to models. Conversely, there were also the young woman being cajoled by their boyfriends and partners into modelling and specifically at the higher levels. We’re talking nude, open-leg, and similar, not referring to fashion, or the upper industry. 

Two hours evaporated and crucially we had a lot to show for our time together.  As usual, these were shot with my trusty Sony A6000 and A6300 with 23 and 33mm 1.4 Viltrox lenses and Godox flashgun. 

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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