I do a lot of location work and lean toward natural light, but Kym invited me to come and shoot her in a studio context. We decided on a few themes ranging from elegant dresses through to art and implied nude. Being mindful of blanket statements but on a very technical level, photography is concerned with control of light.
Michael Stenning comes from a freelance press background. One that demands the ability to take high-quality images. Industrial photography and Indian weddings followed. Social photography led to model portfolio commissions and in turn, portraiture and commercial headshots
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Playing with Light: In the Studio with Kym
I do a lot of location work and lean toward natural light, but Kym invited me to come and shoot her in a studio context. We decided on a few themes ranging from elegant dresses through to art and implied nude. Being mindful of blanket statements but on a very technical level, photography is concerned with control of light.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
One Location, Two Models
Some photographers seem to default to a set location, which to me can quickly become tired and doesn’t necessarily work with the model(s) concerned. I don’t but every so often, make exceptions. Mary wanted me to do some promotional portraiture and related business themed headshots. Krystal got in touch saying she would be in the area that week and essentially, asking if I was coming out to play...Spoiler alert, the answer was yes to both.
On both occasions, I chose the Neptune quay area of Ipswich given the mix of peely paint porn, abandoned buildings, high quality murals and of course, the marina. Though I used some of the same locations for both, I deliberately avoided carbon copies. Krystal and I found a very obviously derelict looking building and steel door with obviously receding paint. She and I have worked together for years and enjoy the unbeaten path.
Mary had only worked with me on one previous occasion, so I was wary of leading her away from the immediate area and where she felt most at ease. Often, it’s about making the best of your environment. Noting Mary had a faux leather “Brando” jacket, I posed her with this Kawasaki. Krystals very bold red dress saw us employ the phone box, the buoy while the tunnel and skate park made effect contrasts.
There were some interesting alleys and features-suitably public but set back from potential, unwelcome intrusion. This was another opportunity to use the full frame A7 and dedicated 50mm prime lens. Mary’s entire shoot was captured with the A7, Krystals a mix of the A7 and A6300 with wider angle lens.
Friday, May 17, 2024
There's Something About Mary...
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Beauty & The East
It’s often said that photographers and other “creatives” should have a project for when things go quiet commercially, or if you’re just looking to “change things up a bit”. I can relate to this narrative on both tiers. I’d recently bought a couple of third-party lenses for my Fuji XT100 and X-A5.
An 85mm 1.8 prime for the XT and this budget TT Artisan 27mm F2.8 APS-C Autofocus. The latter being something of a wild card, the price being the main attraction. Image quality is reassuringly good, not on par with a premium Fuji lens but pleasing and the autofocus is also reasonably responsive.
I have always been fascinated by people, although Eastern Europe has always been a region of particular interest. There are several reasons for this, but I can recall wondering (as I did with film censorship) what lay behind the Iron Curtain, and what were we not supposed to see. Propaganda was a two-way street and thanks to a well-traveled, very worldly father I never bought into the era's broad strokes narrative that communism bad, and capitalism good.
Women within the Soviet Union were sometimes stereotyped as more liberated, better educated, and, more mysterious. Or conversely, uneducated and ignorant. Sweeping statements about anything, let alone people are by definition, inaccurate. Growing up, there was a narrative about bulletproof Soviet technology- MZ motorcycles and to a lesser extent, Jawa too. Tough, slow, built to last and in the west, dirt cheap.
Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, you could buy a very serviceable, solid 250cc MZ for as little as £50. Vostok Amphibia dive watches and of course, film rangefinders and SLR cameras from the likes of Zenit, Kiev, and FED. Some reckoned to rival Leica but for a fraction of the price.
My uncle met his second wife while driving an HGV back and forth from the UK and Warsaw with a friend during the late 1980s (They married in 1988-happily so ever since). She was working as a receptionist in a hotel where he regularly stayed.
On several occasions (although most notably in my late teens/early adulthood), I had wanted to ride a motorcycle through Eastern Europe, starting in East Germany and working through towards Russia, photographing the old industrial and derelict places, people, and life generally.
Given this backdrop, my quiet fascination and intrigue for those raised in this time and region is perhaps more obvious. My late father had also visited Odessa and Moscow in 1990.
Then of course, there was a more recent migration of people from the former “Eastern Block” to the UK, many continuing the tradition of filling skilled and sometimes, unskilled work, studying, raising children, and generally building lives here. Leading up to Christmas 2007, I worked alongside some men and women from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland while doing some seasonal jobs. I have always been keen to learn how these countries and people’s lives, attitudes, and experiences have changed since 1989. We shared some fascinating, sometimes hilarious stories/anecdotes.
The Brexit vote of 2016 sounded some very unpleasant bells and made a lot of people feel incredibly unwelcome, seemingly overnight.
Long story short, I am seeking to photograph people from these regions, living in the UK for a mix of themes. Primarily portraiture and fashion for those who have not modeled before. A more diverse range of themes for those who have.
Models & Portraiture - Stenning Photographic Model & Portraiture Photography (format.com)
Curious? Get in touch…
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Darcy is a plus-size model, returning to the industry after a break. She caught my attention having posted a casting on a networking site. I tend to make my approach and if my style of work appeals, the model and I will discuss themes and date(s) from there. Darcy was keen on some headshots, portraits, and autumnal/winter fashion and the close of October seemed the best fit.
I hadn’t been to Southend on Sea since the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns struck. Changeable weather also requires lots of forward planning and I was a little disheartened to discover the heavens opening along the A127- I'd been scouring the online forecasts and all suggested dry until at least1300hrs and we were shooting outdoors for two hours- from 11 onward.
Despite some initial drizzle, the weather held, and the cloudy skies added further mood to the images. The beach and deserted beach huts were an obvious, though very welcome backdrop, ditto some of the shuttered, seasonal vendors nearby. Darcy was originally spotted at a car show on the South Coast and helped by an interest in classic cars, things developed from there.
She has a degree in Graphic Design and secured work in this field, post-graduation. In common with a lot of models, she’s had a few challenges too, and testament to her character that she’d overcome them and kept a warm, positive outlook. I thoroughly enjoyed our shoot and would happily work with her again. These images were taken using the faithful A6000 and A6300 tag team coupled with 33mm 1.4 and 60mm 2.8 prime lenses.
Jen- A Cheeky Valentine
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I discovered Elle while having a wander around the portfolio hosting and networking sites. January, as most of us know can be a long, slow...
Bella and I had been discussing a few implied nude themes. The sort that showed enough to be suggestive and sensual but within the boundar...