Showing posts with label quayside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quayside. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024

One Location, Two Models


Some photographers seem to default to a set location, which to me can quickly become tired and doesn’t necessarily work with the model(s) concerned. I don’t but every so often, make exceptions. Mary wanted me to do some promotional portraiture and related business themed headshots. Krystal got in touch saying she would be in the area that week and essentially, asking if I was coming out to play...Spoiler alert, the answer was yes to both.  

On both occasions, I chose the Neptune quay area of Ipswich given the mix of peely paint porn, abandoned buildings, high quality murals and of course, the marina. Though I used some of the same locations for both, I deliberately avoided carbon copies. Krystal and I found a very obviously derelict looking building and steel door with obviously receding paint. She and I have worked together for years and enjoy the unbeaten path.  

Mary had only worked with me on one previous occasion, so I was wary of leading her away from the immediate area and where she felt most at ease. Often, it’s about making the best of your environment. Noting Mary had a faux leather “Brando” jacket, I posed her with this Kawasaki. Krystals very bold red dress saw us employ the phone box, the buoy while the tunnel and skate park made effect contrasts.  

There were some interesting alleys and features-suitably public but set back from potential, unwelcome intrusionThis was another opportunity to use the full frame A7 and dedicated 50mm prime lens. Mary’s entire shoot was captured with the A7, Krystals a mix of the A7 and A6300 with wider angle lens    

Monday, October 1, 2018

On The Waterfront...With Aurora Ray

 No, not the iconic film with Marlon Brando. I’m referring to an evening quayside shoot with Aurora Ray, in Ipswich. I responded to a casting call and we corresponded for a few weeks.  Ideas, concepts and possible locations floated and pondered.
Ipswich is approximately an hour or so’s drive from me, but a town I hadn’t visited for almost three decades. Even then, I was only familiar with the Portman Road area, home to the football club and infamously, a red-light district.
Thankfully, Aurora had excellent local knowledge, which complemented her creative vision.
Little surprise that I leaped at the suggestion of Graffiti and disused quayside buildings…Sunset this time of year, is around 18.45, so we arranged to meet an hour beforehand.
Having successfully orbited the town centre systems during rush hour, I was relieved to discover a car park within easy reach of the quayside. We’d agreed to meet by the University, opposite. Chances were, we’d be wrapped up within an hour or so. However, I’ve an aversion to fines, so fed the meter a little more.
This early in the academic year, you could feel a real sense of anticipation and a generally positive atmosphere from the halls of residence. One that certainly resonated with me, some 26 years since I arrived in London’s East End, fresh faced and decidedly green.
There’s always one student who stands out. In this instance, one losing command of his trousers, while exiting his car. Shortly afterward, a text arrived-Aurora saying she was a few minutes away. She materialised carrying a cluster of red helium balloons and extruding enthusiasm.
Camera bag, reflector and energy-boosting bananas grasped, I locked the KA and Aurora led me along the waterside, with its eclectic mix of bars and restaurants. Their neon signage more intense, as the golden hour loomed. Our first location was a long disused and very derelict factory.
Several stories high, ground floor access points had been sealed and the usual warnings emblazomed across the boards.  She switched from her light summer dress and I fired a few tester shots. The alley, though clearly a street drinker’s refuge, was also moderately trafficked and relatively well lit, which was ideal, in every respect.
One man had my senses screaming with alarm. I was concerned he might attempt to snatch one, or both of our bags. Luckily, he quickly lost interest and shuffled through, without further interaction.  
Aurora has a classic model figure and knew her body well, thus created and moved seamlessly between poses, making the very most of available time and light. Checking the area for broken glass and other sharps, she posed on the pallets, which accentuated her poise and willowy figure.
The next street had these corrugated shutters. I was pleasantly surprised by driver cooperation and sensitivity. Many stopping and seemingly alarmed that they’d interrupted us. Not something you’d experience in a major city, or provincial towns for that matter.
A skate park fired our imaginations, but we opted in favour of a towpath, which also had some very striking and genuinely beautifully crafted murals. The sort so revered, they are left unmolested, by taggers and local authority environmental teams alike. 15 minutes later and the golden hour was almost gone but by this point, we had 80 shots. A short but successful evening…

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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