Showing posts with label props. Show all posts
Showing posts with label props. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2023



Anonymous nudes are something I’m invited to do from time to time and it's a genre I enjoy. Some customers have come from an internationally published background, others are in other trades/professions, where revealing their identity would be inappropriate, or potentially damage people’s perception of them, or their business.  

That aside, it’s a great way of being creative with the human form and sometimes, being very bold, stopping short of gratuitous. Angles, lighting, and aperture are pivotal. As are trust, comfort, and good, clear communication between the parties. I took these in her home using a mixture of natural light and on-camera flash with diffuser. Props are another consideration. My Fed2 rangefinder film camera, Tibetan Singing Bowl, and toy motorcycle. The model chose her pinwheel, bear claw, chain, and scarf.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Patricia found me via mad cow models .Impressed by my fashion port-folio, she asked if I would help build hers. After a few exchanges, clarifying dates, times and specifications, we met on a slightly drizzly, unprepossessing October morning.
Originally from Poland, she classed herself as a novice model. However, her poise, pace and almost seamless posing quickly suggested she had modelled before. Terms such as novice and at the other extreme, published or “experienced” are often subjective.
However, Patricia’s tireless enthusiasm and work ethic ensured she was a pleasure. My introductory sessions are two hours long. Enough for us to explore a variety of styles, facilitate costume changes and a short comfort break, or two.
Though it’s true that competent photographers achieve good images from the first few frames, both parties warm up. Those taken an hour or so hence, are usually considerably better.   
In short, we were pleased with the balance and autumnal themes.
Being a location shoot, there were the usual challenges, although most people kept a subtle distance, or were genuinely helpful. The driver of this snack van kindly tolerated a few frames, and customers courteously warned us, when it was about to pull away.

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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