Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024

One Location, Two Models


Some photographers seem to default to a set location, which to me can quickly become tired and doesn’t necessarily work with the model(s) concerned. I don’t but every so often, make exceptions. Mary wanted me to do some promotional portraiture and related business themed headshots. Krystal got in touch saying she would be in the area that week and essentially, asking if I was coming out to play...Spoiler alert, the answer was yes to both.  

On both occasions, I chose the Neptune quay area of Ipswich given the mix of peely paint porn, abandoned buildings, high quality murals and of course, the marina. Though I used some of the same locations for both, I deliberately avoided carbon copies. Krystal and I found a very obviously derelict looking building and steel door with obviously receding paint. She and I have worked together for years and enjoy the unbeaten path.  

Mary had only worked with me on one previous occasion, so I was wary of leading her away from the immediate area and where she felt most at ease. Often, it’s about making the best of your environment. Noting Mary had a faux leather “Brando” jacket, I posed her with this Kawasaki. Krystals very bold red dress saw us employ the phone box, the buoy while the tunnel and skate park made effect contrasts.  

There were some interesting alleys and features-suitably public but set back from potential, unwelcome intrusionThis was another opportunity to use the full frame A7 and dedicated 50mm prime lens. Mary’s entire shoot was captured with the A7, Krystals a mix of the A7 and A6300 with wider angle lens    

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Carla is an aspiring model and had clearly gained confidence through a series of earlier shoots. She had also received good mentoring from photographers and a model I’ve had a long-standing professional relationship with. Carla had noted my relatively close regional proximity and got in touch, asking to shoot. Her manner of approach, existing portfolio and location held my attention and we quickly thrashed out some dates and themes.  

Being as we’d not worked together, I suggested we do two hours of fashion-based work and she should bring herself i.e., garments she felt comfortable and empowered in; while presenting an opportunity for her to model something she hadn’t been able to. We decided upon a forest/woodland backdrop.  

I knew a good public space but one where we weren't likely to be interrupted frequentlyShe brought along a large bag and three changes, which was perfect. The first a light summery sheer dress and pale denim jacket, a pale blue “Alice in wonderland” style tea dress and a button-down, figure-hugging denim dress.  

I began with my traditional ice-breaker headshots and candid portraiture and from there, the shoot flowed very seamlessly. There were lots of sheltered areas making it relatively easy to achieve a uniform, even light and on another practical note, plenty of trees and foliage to change discretely behind. We did have the occasional speeding Spaniel but otherwise passers-by remained at a very respectful distance. 

There had also been rain forecast but we had bright sunshine and temperatures in the early 20s. I had brought an umbrella, in case of a heavy shower, which coupled with the 6300 body (which has weather sealing) would’ve made for some dramatic effects. Either way, we accomplished a decent amount in the two hours, Carla was pleased with the results, and we’ve agreed to shoot again in future. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

There's Something About Mary...

Mary had never modelled before but had a background in cosplay and making her own costumes, coupled with some acting experience. Being her first shoot and not having worked together in the past, we agreed on a fairly simple theme and set in a very public, park-based location of her choosing. She was initially a little nervous but relaxed considerably as the shoot progressed, Nothing new there. 

Model and photographer tend to produce their best work towards the end of the shoot when rapport and synchronicity is hopefully at its best. I was also keen to produce images that she could use in other commercial/professional contexts. Hence the portraiture. The  Cosplay dress she wanted to model had the potential for slippage and potentially exposure, so something best suited to a studio. 

Hence, our decision to err towards something more fluid and relaxed. For portraiture-based sessions, I go for a relaxed, conversational style, which sets the model at ease, thus letting their personality come through. I also factor regular breaks to review, rest, and reflect upon where we have been and the next frames. Mary was very pleased with the results of this two- hour session and we’re at the discussion stage of a second shoot.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Elodie and I had been discussing a shoot back in 2020, then the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns struck. I received an email message from her at the end of January asking if we could shoot. After a little back n’ forth we agreed a mutually convenient Sunday in February.  

I was intrigued as to what drew her to me and my work specifically. Elodie replied saying she liked the way I could go from capturing “cheeky” images to very formal portraiture. We agreed on a mix of fashion and lingerie and shot from her home.  

I’d had to postpone a shoot with a young, aspiring male model a fortnight earlier (due to a major crash involving a flipped HGV), so was determined to make the journey to Peterborough. Despite flooded roads and lots of standing water, I made it to her home in good time. That’s Michael-speak for 40 minutes early.  

I’d always prefer to be an hour early rather than two minutes late. I’d brought a reflector, flashgun, and portable LED light but thankfully, with 1.4 prime lenses, large windows, and a break in the cloud, it was often possible to shoot using natural light. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023



Darcy is a plus-size model, returning to the industry after a break. She caught my attention having posted a casting on a networking site. I tend to make my approach and if my style of work appeals, the model and I will discuss themes and date(s) from there. Darcy was keen on some headshots, portraits, and autumnal/winter fashion and the close of October seemed the best fit.  

I hadn’t been to Southend on Sea since the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns struckChangeable weather also requires lots of forward planning and I was a little disheartened to discover the heavens opening along the A127- I'd been scouring the online forecasts and all suggested dry until at least1300hrs and we were shooting outdoors for two hours- from 11 onward.  

Despite some initial drizzle, the weather held, and the cloudy skies added further mood to the images. The beach and deserted beach huts were an obvious, though very welcome backdrop, ditto some of the shuttered, seasonal vendors nearby. Darcy was originally spotted at a car show on the South Coast and helped by an interest in classic cars, things developed from there.  

She has a degree in Graphic Design and secured work in this field, post-graduation. In common with a lot of models, she’s had a few challenges too, and testament to her character that she’d overcome them and kept a warm, positive outlook. I thoroughly enjoyed our shoot and would happily work with her again. These images were taken using the faithful A6000 and A6300 tag team coupled with 33mm 1.4 and 60mm 2.8 prime lenses.    

Monday, July 10, 2023

Norwich Bound to Bella

The fashion industry and by association, modeling have been widely criticised for their lack of diversity. I’ve discussed the inclusion of more diversity around height and body shapes, especially among some prominent high-street retailers. However, people from other backgrounds and ethnicities remain underrepresented.

Bella was born in Portugal but has spent most of her life, in Norwich. I’d spotted her a while back and had been keen to work with her, but opportunity eluded us, for one reason and another.  Bella knew a model I had worked with recently and was initially drawn to me, based upon her experience shooting with me. She liked my work and so we wasted no time comparing diaries.   

Bella began modelling for her friend’s GCSE photography course and it mushroomed from there.  We had discussed a few themes and settled on a mix of casual, dressy and lingerie.  

Given the contexts and themes, I prefer models to select locations where they are most familiar and comfortable. Some consideration and self-awareness are obviously key when conducting shoots in public spaces. However, for the most part, remaining respectful, while being calm, confident, and owning your space means passers-by stay at a respectful distance.   

We covered a decent amount of ground and are pleased with the results. I shot the majority of these with my faithful Sony A6000 and 33mm 1.4 lens, but I reached for my Fuji XT100 and 50mm prime for others. Cameras have attitudes in my experience and the Fuji XT100 and X100T tend to suit a less frenetic pace and reward with pin-sharp clarity, whether it's portraiture or street photography. Unfortunately, the SD card has been corrupted. Thankfully, I had only taken ten frames and hope to recover these.


Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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