Showing posts with label Peeling paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peeling paint. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Quarries & Cranes-the Perils and Pleasures of Location Shooting

Location shoots generally speaking; require forward planning, especially since there’s much greater potential for things to go wrong. Krystal and I had been planning a pier-side carousel theme. However, we are still seeking written permission from some local venues.

From the traders’ perspective, the last thing they want is a model and photographer leaping aboard their rides. Unannounced, and putting a dent in their day’s trading. No more than we’d appreciate being photo-bombed by a mob of bored teenagers.

So, having pressed the lateral thought button, I researched derelict sites within 5 miles of Clacton on Sea. Within 20 minutes, I'd honed-in on an old quarry, disused since 1997.
Access appeared easy and, save for those teens, chances are we would be left to our own devices.

However, quarries and other industrial sites are potentially lethal potentially lethal. Risk assessments and a highly attune hazard perception are crucial. We weren’t going to be climbing any structures, nor shooting in water. 

Nonetheless, signage warning of quick sand, hazardous chemicals and equipment need respecting. 

Upon our arrival, it was full of construction traffic…

Yep, redevelopment was well underway and therefore, access an absolute non-starter.  No matter how good a case I could present, I had no legitimate business here and no site foreman, in their right mind would grant us access/turn a blind eye. 

Model and photographer safety as I’ve said elsewhere, is paramount.  blatant trespass is asking for trouble.

Slightly dejected, we wandered through the nature reserve, back to my car. I had jotted down a few other, potential backdrops. The second was also being renovated-another none starter.

Ever wondered how something pops up, when you’re not actively pursuing it? Well, we happened upon a boat yard and a very helpful man, who said we could shoot wherever we liked, provided we respected others privacy. 

Not difficult frankly, at least for those, with a modicum of emotional intelligence. So, a few boating wrecks later and we settled on this long disused crane as a centre-piece. Lovers of peely paint porn, rejoice.

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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