Showing posts with label location shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label location shooting. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Carla is an aspiring model and had clearly gained confidence through a series of earlier shoots. She had also received good mentoring from photographers and a model I’ve had a long-standing professional relationship with. Carla had noted my relatively close regional proximity and got in touch, asking to shoot. Her manner of approach, existing portfolio and location held my attention and we quickly thrashed out some dates and themes.  

Being as we’d not worked together, I suggested we do two hours of fashion-based work and she should bring herself i.e., garments she felt comfortable and empowered in; while presenting an opportunity for her to model something she hadn’t been able to. We decided upon a forest/woodland backdrop.  

I knew a good public space but one where we weren't likely to be interrupted frequentlyShe brought along a large bag and three changes, which was perfect. The first a light summery sheer dress and pale denim jacket, a pale blue “Alice in wonderland” style tea dress and a button-down, figure-hugging denim dress.  

I began with my traditional ice-breaker headshots and candid portraiture and from there, the shoot flowed very seamlessly. There were lots of sheltered areas making it relatively easy to achieve a uniform, even light and on another practical note, plenty of trees and foliage to change discretely behind. We did have the occasional speeding Spaniel but otherwise passers-by remained at a very respectful distance. 

There had also been rain forecast but we had bright sunshine and temperatures in the early 20s. I had brought an umbrella, in case of a heavy shower, which coupled with the 6300 body (which has weather sealing) would’ve made for some dramatic effects. Either way, we accomplished a decent amount in the two hours, Carla was pleased with the results, and we’ve agreed to shoot again in future. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

There's Something About Mary...

Mary had never modelled before but had a background in cosplay and making her own costumes, coupled with some acting experience. Being her first shoot and not having worked together in the past, we agreed on a fairly simple theme and set in a very public, park-based location of her choosing. She was initially a little nervous but relaxed considerably as the shoot progressed, Nothing new there. 

Model and photographer tend to produce their best work towards the end of the shoot when rapport and synchronicity is hopefully at its best. I was also keen to produce images that she could use in other commercial/professional contexts. Hence the portraiture. The  Cosplay dress she wanted to model had the potential for slippage and potentially exposure, so something best suited to a studio. 

Hence, our decision to err towards something more fluid and relaxed. For portraiture-based sessions, I go for a relaxed, conversational style, which sets the model at ease, thus letting their personality come through. I also factor regular breaks to review, rest, and reflect upon where we have been and the next frames. Mary was very pleased with the results of this two- hour session and we’re at the discussion stage of a second shoot.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Bella & Kristen

 Bella invited me to do another shoot and this time with her friend Kristen. I’ve only done a couple of duo shoots and I’m usually very cautious if I don’t know one, or indeed both parties. Having worked with Bella on two earlier occasions, I was confident she would choose someone who had a similarly professional attitude.  

They were eager to continue the lingerie theme of our last shoot but in a woodland setting. The window of opportunity was short, given the potential temperature and lighting constraints, so they wanted to shoot promptly. Thankfully, we had free time the following week, which was dry and more temperate. We’re talking high teens, which is still comfortable for lingerie and to a lesser extent glamour themes.  

Bella had chosen a location in Drayton, which was suitably secluded and at that time of day, had minimal footfall- the odd dog walker and mountain biker. In practice, this also included the odd teenager taking the scenic route home, but they kept a respectful, if slightly awkward distance. Kristen is new to modelling, which is significant since bad experiences mean I generally politely swerve aspiring models. However, there are (almost) always exceptions to any rule and in this instance, the gamble paid off.   

Bella is 5’7 (1m70) Kristen is slightly taller at 5’9 (1m80) both within what some suggest is the ideal height for a female model. This also made for a very compatible pairing, given the theme they wanted to exploreI tend to break the ice and test settings by starting with portraits and headshots.  

A technique I’m told Kristen appreciated and helped establish a comfortable rapport. Two hours is generally my sweet spot for shooting, especially with newer models. It allows for rapport, changes in style/pace, and breaks to recap and recharge. This set was taken using my faithful A600/Viltrox 33mm (about 1.3 in) 1.4 and A6300 with 60mm (about 2.36 in) Sigma 2.8 (set to f.3.2). 

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Ana is a new model who was encouraged by Krystal J to approach me, in the context of booking a portfolio building session. Like many aspiring models, she is building a portfolio in parallel with another career and while being furloughed, due to Covid19. I typically stipulate that models must be at least 21 years old but will “take a view” depending upon the commission’s nature and the model’s maturity.
Recommendation in this instance certainly fast-tracked matters. Nonetheless, I still needed to evaluate her and devise a mutually agreed shoot proposal. Pre-shoot communication was suitably good, and she had a clear (though not inflexible) idea of the images she wanted to create. 

I suggested a mix of portraiture and classic fashion-with a view to some being converted to deep monochrome.  These were taken with My A6300 and 50mm 1.8 lens.  

She arrived promptly, well-prepared, and ready to work. Three hours and several locations later, we concluded our first session. Her confidence is growing, and I’d be happy to work with her again, down the line.  

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Natalia: Bowled Over By The Lady from Moldova

Given the global pandemic and subsequent lockdown, social/model photography was on the back burner for a good ten weeks, or so. However, with the rules relaxed, approaches/proposals have slowly increased.  

Natalia is originally from Moldova and from a dance background, which was immediately obvious. We discussed a mix of lingerie/topless and art nude. She knew of some suitable locations (studios were still closed at this point and given the risks presented by pandemic, socially distancing is more easily managed outdoors).  

Multi-lingual, Natalia’s professionalism was immediately apparent from her pre-shoot communications, so I wasn’t surprised to find her arriving on time and impeccably prepared. Most experienced models can do their own make-up to a decent standard, but I was particularly surprised by her speed and precision in this respect.  

Given her dance background, I wasn’t remotely surprised by her technical ability, poise and understanding of her own body’s most flattering angles. Warm, emotionally intelligent, she was also extremely receptive to direction.  

Much as I suspected, in keeping with its neighbours, Moldova is socially conservative, so modeling (aside from high profile fashion/editorial work) is viewed with suspicion. Given the nature of this shoot, we were particularly discrete and remained unnoticed by passers-by.  
I’ve always fiercely adhered to distancing when working with models, so it will come as little surprise that I alternated between my Sony A7 with 50mm 1.8 lens and Sony Alpha with 85mm 2.8.  

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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