Showing posts with label Sony A7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sony A7. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2021

Second Helpings : More Fun With Michelle

 Michelle invited me to shoot at her cottage and though I’m not doing any studio shoots, given the pandemic is continuing to present a very real risk to health, location nudes are practical, given temperatures are presently around 23 degrees.

 We’d thrashed out a shoot plan a week or so beforehand and tweaked this to reflect the sudden hike in temperature. Given Michelle’s experience within the glamour and nude genres, it will come as little surprise this formed the primary framework, with a mix of implied and old school “glamour” thrown in for good measure.  

I always suggest a mix of implied, lingerie/swimwear, since there is a limit of fine art poses and I don’t want a shoot going stale for either party and sometimes both. We have always had an excellent rapport, so our session was very relaxed and conversational, which for me ensured the best results, seemingly effortlessly. 

I shot these alternating between my full-frame Sony A7 with 50mm 1.8 and the 6300 with 35mm 2.8, set to 3.2 in this instance. Much of our conversation was about the industry and some names within it. Some I had reservations about, and she affirmed my gut feelings.  

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Given the pandemic, I had been wary of shooting in confined spaces-studios or otherwise. Therefore, I cautiously took a drive to Rayleigh and spent an hour with Bobbin.  

Bobbin is a part-time model who has run this career in parallel to another in social care. She is warm, very self-aware and double jointed. Three attributes that certainly contribute to the creative process.  

Though not from a traditional “dance” background tone and definition developed through swimming were also very evident. Social distancing was very straightforward and easily maintained with a 50mm prime lens-in this instance, my full-frame E-mount. Being a studio setup, these were synced at F16 and 1/125.  

The A7, A600 and A6300 bodies are my studio defaults since remote triggers have proved anything but harmonious, with the older, Alpha series. Sheer and lingerie were our main themes with a quick bit of portraiture and headshots to break the ice. An hour of my time and very wisely spent. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Natalia: Bowled Over By The Lady from Moldova

Given the global pandemic and subsequent lockdown, social/model photography was on the back burner for a good ten weeks, or so. However, with the rules relaxed, approaches/proposals have slowly increased.  

Natalia is originally from Moldova and from a dance background, which was immediately obvious. We discussed a mix of lingerie/topless and art nude. She knew of some suitable locations (studios were still closed at this point and given the risks presented by pandemic, socially distancing is more easily managed outdoors).  

Multi-lingual, Natalia’s professionalism was immediately apparent from her pre-shoot communications, so I wasn’t surprised to find her arriving on time and impeccably prepared. Most experienced models can do their own make-up to a decent standard, but I was particularly surprised by her speed and precision in this respect.  

Given her dance background, I wasn’t remotely surprised by her technical ability, poise and understanding of her own body’s most flattering angles. Warm, emotionally intelligent, she was also extremely receptive to direction.  

Much as I suspected, in keeping with its neighbours, Moldova is socially conservative, so modeling (aside from high profile fashion/editorial work) is viewed with suspicion. Given the nature of this shoot, we were particularly discrete and remained unnoticed by passers-by.  
I’ve always fiercely adhered to distancing when working with models, so it will come as little surprise that I alternated between my Sony A7 with 50mm 1.8 lens and Sony Alpha with 85mm 2.8.  

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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