Showing posts with label Stenning Photographic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stenning Photographic. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Georgia & The Storms


Georgia is an experienced model from Stoke on Trent. She’s also an experienced photographer, which can be incredibly helpful when setting up lighting, backdrops and conceptualising images. We discussed a mix of themes but when she remarked she doesn’t like being restricted by clothes, a tasteful nude set was the obvious route. I like to employ clothes and, other props to keep things interesting. There is a limit to the number of poses before things can become a little staid.  

Much of photography revolves around control of light but soft skills, such as rapport and effective communication before and during the shoot is similarly significant. An uncomfortable model is just as detrimental as a flat 1-, or 2-dimensional image. These were taken during storm Darragh using a mix of natural light and a single soft box, a 35mm F2 and 50mm 1.4.  


Sunday, August 18, 2024



Rose is a very experienced model from a performing arts background. I’d seen her work and was very aware of her professionally for a few years. Serendipity and closer geographical proximity saw us arranging a shoot. This had to be rearranged on a couple of occasions, due to bereavement and other, unforeseeable events.  

We discussed themes beginning with boudoir and culminating with art nude.  

The graduation is part narrative but on a very practical level, respect for the model. While experienced photographers and models can quickly find rapport, especially if pre-shoot communication is of a high standard and conducted properly, gentle, tapered progression is always preferable. Basic decency and respect aside, it makes for a more comfortable, relaxed and fluid shoot-which ultimately tells in the images.  

Rapport quickly established; our shoot extended the two hours scheduled. I shot the mono images with my Fuji XT100 and 50mm 1.8 Viltrox lens. The colour were taken with my Sony A7 and 35mm 1.8 and A6300 with 23mm 1.4 Viltrox .  

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Bella Pt2 Domestic Goddess

Bella came back to me, asking to do a second shoot. This time at her home. Now, I’ll confess to being particularly flattered by this invite. Our homes are at once the spaces we consider safest, but they are also where we can be most vulnerable. I am a very private person, and my home is my sanctuary. I am particularly selective when it comes to people crossing the threshold.  

Bella clearly felt comfortable with me (and vice versa) during our first shoot and we discussed something a little racier. Tasteful, but not the kind of themes typically associated with the great outdoors-especially given the wet and changeable conditions. Both of us commented that far from being closed-minded, we have become increasingly selective about the people and concepts we are happy to work with.


We continued the lingerie theme and four sets in total. Bella sent me a selection of themes and ideas she wanted to explore, which was extremely helpful as a pre-shoot template.   There was a decent amount of natural light in her home, but still required some help from a reflector and, for the kitchen shots, a Godox speedlight set to 1/125.

I’d taken these with my trusty A6000 set to ISO 400 and 33mm 1.4 Viltrox lens. In some respects, a 23mm 1.4 would’ve made some of the angles and shots easier but the lenses' wider angle can also give less flattering results, so I went for the 33mm with a 50mm 1.8 in reserve.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Norwich Bound to Bella

The fashion industry and by association, modeling have been widely criticised for their lack of diversity. I’ve discussed the inclusion of more diversity around height and body shapes, especially among some prominent high-street retailers. However, people from other backgrounds and ethnicities remain underrepresented.

Bella was born in Portugal but has spent most of her life, in Norwich. I’d spotted her a while back and had been keen to work with her, but opportunity eluded us, for one reason and another.  Bella knew a model I had worked with recently and was initially drawn to me, based upon her experience shooting with me. She liked my work and so we wasted no time comparing diaries.   

Bella began modelling for her friend’s GCSE photography course and it mushroomed from there.  We had discussed a few themes and settled on a mix of casual, dressy and lingerie.  

Given the contexts and themes, I prefer models to select locations where they are most familiar and comfortable. Some consideration and self-awareness are obviously key when conducting shoots in public spaces. However, for the most part, remaining respectful, while being calm, confident, and owning your space means passers-by stay at a respectful distance.   

We covered a decent amount of ground and are pleased with the results. I shot the majority of these with my faithful Sony A6000 and 33mm 1.4 lens, but I reached for my Fuji XT100 and 50mm prime for others. Cameras have attitudes in my experience and the Fuji XT100 and X100T tend to suit a less frenetic pace and reward with pin-sharp clarity, whether it's portraiture or street photography. Unfortunately, the SD card has been corrupted. Thankfully, I had only taken ten frames and hope to recover these.


Monday, May 23, 2022


Sophia approached me wanting to update her portfolio, to reflect her new, much shorter hair and to experiment a little. I’d worked with her previously, in 2018 so was pleasantly surprised she remembered me. We decided to shoot down by the Orwell Bridge and thankfully, the weather and lighting were conducive to this. Images were taken using Sony A6000, A6400, Viltrox 50mm 1.8 and 1.4mm prime lenses.  

Friday, June 25, 2021

Body Art : Amy &MuA


I’d been approached by a makeup artist/body painter, via a portfolio hosting/networking site. His standard of work is very high, and I was flattered to learn he’d been keen to work with me for a while. Networking sites are a useful means of connecting with models, photographers and related professionals. Referencing and other important records are there, making shoots much smoother and safer.    

With this in mind, I gently swerved recommending specific models, since the very nature of bodypainting/makeup is a very intimate process. Any recipient needs to be completely comfortable with the artist, beforehand.  

As luck would have it, he had been talking with Amy Jade, prior to lockdown, so with restrictions being progressively relaxed, they mutually agreed to Thursday evening. This suited me, since extended hours of daylight were conducive to location shooting-public decency permitting.  

Some last-minute correspondence confirmed this was a comfortable proposition for all parties. The shoot itself was relatively short, about an hour, which was also the artist’s timescale for undertaking the design. Amy has tattoos, although these aren’t extensive, which also shortens preparation time, since additional coverage isn’t required.  

Ultimately model and MUA are happy with my work, and I enjoyed the experience.   

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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