Showing posts with label sci-fi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sci-fi. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2022


Jess had seen my work and got in touch, suggesting we should shoot and asked me to throw a few themes/ideas her way. She reminded me of the “synths” within the “Humans” series that ran on Channel4 from 2015-2018 and Priss, Daryl Hannah’s replicant character in Ridley Scott’s “Blade Runner” (The original, 1982 version).  

Jess wasn’t familiar with the latter but au fait with “Humans” and liked the concept. We shot in Nowton Park, which is a very central area, with lots of woodland but civilised features, including cafĂ© and crucially toilets. She had never worked with me before, so model comfort was paramount. I have shot on location countless times, but public places can present their own challenges.  

Most curious passers-by do so at a respectful distance, but small children and springer spaniels can be less generous in their discretion. Practicalities such as changing, let alone any hint of nudity must be carefully managed. Jess brought three outfits (dresses) which eliminated most risks of unwanted exposure, although a zipper presented challenges. She overcame this by pinning the dress closed (there was a palpably painful moment when her careful pinning turned bandit, lodging into her skin).  

A wince and some deft movements bought her release and without drawing blood. Empathy on the photographer’s part is helpful but, these situations come with the territory and a good model doesn’t let it faze them. She simply progressed to the next outfit, and I alternated between trusty Sony A6000 and 23mm F 1.4 lens and the 6300 50mm F1.8.  


Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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