Wednesday, October 20, 2021



I’d been wanting to work with Ayla for some time but opportunity, not to mention the pandemic had frustrated this.  A chance conversation in October led to us working through a shoot plan, and ultimately shooting at her home.  

Good pre-shoot communications are paramount, but rapport and trust between photographer and model usually take time to develop. For this reason and regardless of experience, I prefer models to set the pace. 

We warmed up with some flirty fashion, slowly progressing through lingerie, boudoir and art nude. I also brought some props and Ayla unleashed her creativity. Conversation flowed naturally and the two hours proved incredibly productive.  

Most of this set was taken using natural light, Viltrox 23mm 1.4 prime lens and Sony A6000 body, although I used a 50mm 1.8 counterpart and Sony A7.   

* All images copyright Stenning photographic *

Jen- A Cheeky Valentine

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